Past editions

Design for Biocities

9th Advanced Architecture Contest

How can we reimagine our cities as Biocities, capable of creating an ecologically attuned and reciprocal relationship with nature? For Design for Biocities students and professionals proposed how to design urban spaces, cities, buildings, objects, or solutions of any scale, directed towards the transition to Biocities. Read more…

Design for Living

8th Advanced Architecture Contest

Design for Living encouraged participants to propose a design related to their way of life, at the scale that most interests them from our bodies to the city, anywhere in the world, and that reflects different cultural, environmental, economic or social conditions. Read more…

Responsive Cities

7th Advanced Architecture Contest

The aim of Responsive Cities contest was to promote discussion and research through which to generate insights and visions, ideas and proposals that help us envisage what the city and the habitat of the future will be. Read more…

Productive City

6th Advanced Architecture Contest

The aim of Productive City is to promote discussion and research through which to generate insights and visions, ideas and proposals that help us envisage what the city and the habitat of the 21st century will be like. Read more…

Self Sufficient Habitat

5th Advanced Architecture Contest

The aim of Self-sufficient Habitat is to promote discussion and research through which to generate insights and visions, ideas and proposals that help us envisage what the city and the habitat of the 21st century will be like. Read more…

City Sense

4th Advanced Architecture Contest

This publication compiles the winning and the finalist entries of the City Sense contest, organized by IAAC. The competition was open to architects, engineers, planners, designers and artists who wanted to contribute to progress in making the world more habitable. Read more…

Self-Sufficient City

3rd Advanced Architecture Contest

The contest developed by the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and the technology company HP with the idea of  Self-Sufficient City, It is an invitation to reflect on how we will live in the near future in the light of the social, cultural and technological changes in which we are immersed. Read more…

The Self-Fab house

2nd Advanced Architecture Contest

Self Fab House investigate construction techniques and processes to build houses with local means. The book collects the most creative designs and construction through the use of new materials and energy systems, and the integration of architecture into the landscape. Read more…

Self-Sufficient Housing

1st Advanced Architecture Contest

Created for students and professionals to inspire changes in how new buildings are designed and constructed, the Self-Sufficient Housing challenged participants to design a self-sufficient and ecologically oriented dwelling. Read more…